Friday, August 20, 2010

baby nobbers

olive has had the misfortune of getting stuck with the nickname nobbers. so this is my precious little nobbers. she is convinced that she is already a big girl. :( i only get snuggles from her when a stranger gets too close or she is asleep. i cherish those moments of holding this sleeping little nobbers and pretending that she is still a baby.

a year in new york

we have been in new york for a whole year! i am still a little shocked by this. my baby girls are turning into big girls. parenting is bringing some new challenges our way. my new favorite source of encouragement and inspiration is peter is set to start his second year of teaching at suny, the girls are about to start daycare at the campus child development center, and i have started working for an agency that provides services to individuals with developemental disabilities.

we do love it here, it is beautiful, lush and green. the local produce is delicious. peter's coworkers are pretty awesome and the friends we have made in just a year are nothing short os awesome! of course-we miss texas-friends and family, the girls miss their grandparents like crazy. but it does look like we are here to stay! now we just have to get some of those texans to move here, too... ;)