Sunday, December 14, 2008

hard at work

free, as she has chosen to call herself, loves to put on hats, and take them off, put them back on, take them off again..... i watch her struggle to get a hat on right, only to take it off moments later and start all over again. i am puzzled by this willingness to do things that are hard for her, and do them over and over. she is more patient than i am, sometimes.

Friday, December 12, 2008

our sweet little pup

halloween. frances was so excited to be a pup (her favorite thing in the world, next to elmo). we didn't really trick or treat, we just visited some of our neighbors who would enjoy seeing this adorable pup. unfortunately, it was so warm outside that we couldn't stay out too long with that warm costume on her. frances really loved putting candy in the bags of all the kids who rang our doorbell.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

the first posting

i am going to try to make notes of some of our daily highlights. we have wonderful moments every single day. we get to watch frances as she is exploring and learning about the world, what she can and can't do, and the relationships she is developing with all the people in her life. in three short months, olive bea will join our growing family. i am so happy to think of frances having a little sister and the beautiful relationship they can have with eachother as they grow up together.
i know there are many challenges ahead as we adjust from a family of three to a family of four. i also know that there will be moments that it all feels overwhelming and i will feel inadequate, but i have to remember that they are only moments--or maybe days...but this too shall pass....